Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

Be Not Deceived

Lest anyone be subject to the wrong impression, let me be clear. I have been an Obama man since the moment he announced his bid for the Presidency. From the moment he opened his mouth at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, he has captured my imagine.

My secret wish is for an Obama & Edwards ticket. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone. I don't want to jinx it!) I believe they would be politically unstoppable. Plus, I think Edwards is right, no matter how some try to write him off as "angry". One would be naive to expect that the powerful are going to be cooperative in negotiating their power away. I just think that is more of a legislative argument and agenda, which would be perfect for the President of the Senate. Since I'm spinning a dream here, I would love to see Joe Biden as Secretary of Defense, Dennis Kucinich as Secretary of a new department of Peace and Dr. Mae Carol Jamison somewhere in Obama's cabinet. Maybe she should head the Peace Department, and Obama could put Kucinich elsewhere. I'll leave that for him to decide.

I just didn't want to give the wrong impression by the fact that I've been writing about Republicans of late.

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At 4:14 PM, Blogger Heidi Renee said...

Hey Melvin - just reading back through your older posts (found your blog through EV and the interview you did with Brian).

I too have been sold out on Obama (and would love an Obama/Edwards ticket - if he gives in to Hillary I'll be so sad!). We got to see him in Bangor a couple Saturdays ago and it was everything I hoped America could be.

I am a true Obama Mama!

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Melvin Bray, coordinating storyteller said...

i'm glad we've found each other Heidi. good people need to be connected.

having read your profile, i look forward to reading some of your stories. i was just saying to a friend the other day that i'd like to put storytelling (biblical, personal, parable, Midrash, folktale, etc.) on the front burner for emerging followers of GOD in the way of jesus. since many of our imaginations have been captured by the beauty of narrative theology, it seems somewhat silly to me that our primary forms of communication remain argument and exposition.

thanks for visiting. i look forward to conversing with you.


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