Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

The Bush-McCain Challenge

I get these e-mail updates from periodically. I don't really know how I got on their mailing list, but I haven't bothered to undo it yet. Although they can be over the top at times, they're no worse than any other political action org. I agree with many of their policy positions, although often I arrive there for quite different reasons.

This is what their most recent e-mail said:
We've been trying to come up with some ways to make it clear to everyone just how similar McCain is to Bush.

So we did some research and built a new online game called "The Bush-McCain Challenge." Kind of like the Pepsi Challenge, if you remember that.

Thing is, it's way harder to tell them apart than we thought.

Can you test it out here, and tell us if you think it's too hard?
I failed. Perhaps you would do better. Check it out.



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