Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

The Cost of Better

I don't care if it's a double standard. When Obama chooses to engage Clinton on her native 'slash-n-burn' turf, it may always hurt him more than it helps. I'm glad for it. The double standard may be rooted in historic fear-based caricatures of the ever threatening black male. I don't care. I don't want a black President at any cost. I want a BETTER President.

That's the primary reason why I've supported Obama: he captures my imagination and makes me believe better is possible even in national and global politics. If he now chooses to believe his high-priced political consultants when they tell him that negativity is the only way to combat negativity and to show he's tough enough, SHAME ON HIM.

Here are a couple insightful critiques to that affect:
"The Low Road to Victory," NY Times
"How Obama Fell to Earth," NY Times

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