Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

Talking to the Canadians

I'm so terribly ambivalent about the news that a top aid from the Obama camp, Austan Goolsbee, had a meeting with the Canadian Consulate General, Georges Rioux, in Chicago in which his comments were interpreted to mean that Obama's stand of NAFTA should only be taken as campaign rhetoric and not public policy.

I'm conflicted, not because the meeting took place, but that the campaign spent several days denying it. I want to believe Obama when he says he honestly didn't know. Given the wiki-nature of his campaign, that seems feasible. Nonetheless, should Austan Goolsbee and others be publicly chastised or even fired for taking so long to admit the visit to Obama?

The problem for me is that I just don't want Obama to lie. I'm not one of those cynics who is quick to say that all politicians do or must. If Obama were to begin to, then for me it usurps his entire argument for the presidency, because at that point, Hillary is much better and much more experienced at that kind of politics.

A question that must be asked was raised by Anderson Cooper on CNN. Who in Canada (and why), the day before a highly contested primary, would leak a document that's only impact could be to influence politics in America? It's surely not in Canada's interest to sully the man who is allegedly more in their camp. Some part of this doesn't make good sense.

This combined with the overwhelming glut of accusation coming out of the Clinton camp inclines me to believe things are not quite as they seem. I don't know how, and I'm making no accusations, but this seems just a little too convenient for Hillary and McCain. When you spend as much time as the Clinton and McCain campaigns have throwing negativity at your opponent hoping something, anything will stick and slow his momentum, I wouldn't put it pass you to orchestrate something of this defamatory nature.

In fact, it's been reported by the Canadian television station CTV, the one's who produced the memo documenting the Obama campaign's meeting with Canadian diplomats, that the Clinton campaign has been endeavoring to open up indirect channels of communication with the Canadian government for some time as well.

So I'm wary, but not dismayed. My hope is that Obama can find a way to remain above board with the American people.

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At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Canadian government has already denounced this scandal in Barack's favor. I still believe Barack holds more integrity in his pinky than do 95% of politicians.

Tonight's a crucial night. It's not looking good for him in Ohio and Texas' outcome is iffy. She fought hard. I'll see you on the other side.

Dan Ra

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Heidi Renee said...

just catching up here. as an american living in canada i have been saddened lately by the progressive conservative government and it's mad love for gwb & the republicans. they are working hard to remake this lovely country into a mini-me of the united states... i wouldn't put it past any of the pc's (progressive conservatives) to leak the document hoping that the republicans could benefit in the near future by some questionable behavior.

i too am so bewildered by his take on this - it means everything to me that he is a man of truth. he has restored a bit of my faith in this process and it would make me so saddened to know that he is being corrupted by the process.

i really am enjoying your blog melvin, your perspective breathes new thoughts deep into my soul! thank you!

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Melvin Bray, coordinating storyteller said...

thank you for being so responsive, heidi. more than anything i want my writing to engender better conversation about things--not just more robust, but more authentic, more imaginative. thank you for being a participant in that.

the reason i identify politically as an independent progressive is because, no matter where we are on any issue, we can do better. i believe our primary obligation today is to make things better for more new people tomorrow than they were yesterday. if i ever ran for public office, my campaign slogan would be something along the lines of "Let's Think...and Do Better," because i don't think that's our bottom line often enough.

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Heidi Renee said...

I hear there's a VP spot opening up soon! :)

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Melvin Bray, coordinating storyteller said...



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