Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

I'm Free! I'm Free!

I have been without the use of my right arm for 10 weeks. When my arm was casted 30 Oct, I was given an order to have it removed in 4 weeks. Well, when I showed up at the orthopedic clinic Monday morning, 20 Oct, 4 weeks later I was told that my appointment was scheduled for 27 Oct. I asked the nurse if there were any way to work me in since I was already there. She said it would be 4-5 hours. I kindly thanked her and said I would see her next Monday. Then came home to do what a brotha had to do ;-).

The bolt cutters were taking too long.

Not quite what I expected. I can only move my wrist about 20 degrees either direction and can't rotate my forearm at all really. The OT where I've been working says that it may take a year to get it all back :-(. Still it's good to get started.



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