Useful Perhaps

"What I'm use to isn't useful anymore."
~Duawne Starling, singer/songwriter

Bush Can't Have It Both Ways

You can't justify the preemptive "War on Terror", all the erosion of civil liberties, unprecedented expansion of Presidential authority and the compromise of democratic ideals by simply declaring that we now live in a "post-911 world," then turn around and pronounce that you will veto any attempt to derail the United Arab Emirates taking over management of 6 US east coast sea ports. Either the post-911 world is a thing to be feared or the politics of fear have been over-played, and the Bush administration knows it.

My guess is that if you were to follow the money it would begin to make perfect sense why the administration is in favor of a UAE port management takeover, even as the politics of fear make sense in light of the money involved.



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